PhD Student Research Photo Collaboration
The PhD Student Research Photo Collaboration is available for Art History students planning research travel. As part of the collaboration, the VRC can discuss resources for managing your archive, photography strategies, and optionally editing research photographs.
If you would like to borrow equipment for your research on campus or abroad, see the Camera Lending page for more information and availability.
Images for Publication
For students and faculty looking for image or copyright support for publishing articles, books, or conference presentations, please see the Images for Publication page.
Images for Dissertation
For graduate students looking for image or copyright support for their dissertations, please see the Images for Dissertation page.
Additional Services
The VRC can help instruct students in searching for images through individual reference help or classroom instructional sessions. Please see the Customized Instructional Sessions and Workshops page for details on what the VRC can offer.
If you are planning on photographing in the field and would like to consult about photography techniques, equipment, editing, or storing your images, please email